Monday, October 13, 2008

Lupron shot 4/4

I'll be getting my fouth and final lupron injection on Wednesday. I can't even begin to explain to you how excited I am to be finished with this drug. I've got about 4 more weeks of side effects to deal with, but the end is in sight. I'm ready to take some steps forward instead of just being in menopause and miserable. It's such a strange feeling to be getting closer to getting back to TTC. It's been such a crazy year and a half since I miscarried. I struggled with depression for a few months following that, then I had the laproscopy which gave us some more answers. The first time I started the Lupron it was just awful. I had so much stress in my life still, that I just couldn't handle it. The last 3 months haven't been fun, but I have reduced my stress and I'm doing better.

It's frightening to know that in a month I'll be out of menopause and able to TTC again. It has almost been a relief to KNOW for the last few months that there was no chance to get pregnant. No hopes of a positive test, and no fears of the disapointment of a negative. The home pregnancy test companies are probably starting to struggle without all of the business I usually give them. LOL. Soon I'm going to have those chances and fears back. They pushed the MEU back until May, so we'll have about 6 months before Eric deploys to try and get pregnant. Hopefully it won't take that long, although I'm not thrilled about the possiblity of having a baby while he's gone, but that's military life...


Courtney said...

I think you are being so brave Mere! I know this will happen for you, just as much as I know it will happen for me! I will be thinking about you and praying for you for the next six months and while you are on your new TTC journey. I know it is a very scary and exciting thing, and I'm really sorry for all the heartbreak along the way.