I'm now on CD 31, and still no sign of AF. I have no idea what's going on really. I had some EWCM on CD's 18 and 19, so I may have O'd CD 19, instead of CD 14 like I thought. I guess I have a few more days to wait and see what happens. I would think AF would be here by Sunday if I O'd on CD 19. I have one test left and I don't want to spend the money on more, so I'm going to try to wait until Sunday to test. The only chance we'll have after this is April. Eric will be gone most of Jan., Feb., and March. That gives me a few months to prepare myself for another month of this. After he leaves.... I'm done. I'm so tired of feeling so horrible all the time. If I'm not pg while he's gone, I'm going to take those 7ish months to get myself back in shape and healthy and then we'll adopt when he gets back. I hate the way these drugs make me feel (physically and emotionally) and I'm just done. It's not worth being miserable all the time. But, we shall see what happens in the next few days. I don't think I'm pg, I don't feel pg. Who knows...
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3 years ago
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